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16 June 2023

40 Students From Several Countries Visit Bilingual Islamic Senior High School

Friday, 16 June 2023 Kategori : Kegiatan Pesantren

Friday (15 June 2023) 40 Students involved in The International Students Resident Program visited our school. This program is conducted by the Da’wah and Communication Faculty In Islamic State University of Sunan Ampel Surabaya is a comprehensive and engaging initiative designed to provide a supportive and enriching environment for international students pursuing studies.

The program aims to foster cultural exchange, santri, and local Wisdom. It offers a unique opportunity for students from diverse cultural backgrounds to connect, collaborate, and develop their knowledge and skills in this specialized field. Overall, the International Students Resident Program conducted by the Da’wah and Communication Faculty offers a supportive and inclusive environment for international students pursuing studies in the field. By combining local wisdom, cultural integration, and practical experience, the program equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to become effective.

Our founder, Mr. KH. Nurcholish Misbah, gave warm welcome to all the Students. They are from Sudan, Somalia, Egypt, China, Russia, etc.

Pesantren Modern Al Amanah Junwangi

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